Vernissage DREAMLAND
January 24th, 2015
Aubach Embassy of Art
New Cultural Reference Center
On January 24th, 2015 the exhibition DREAMLAND was inaugurated on the exclusive premises of Aubach Embassy of Art. The vernissage displayed works from the Romanian artists Constantin Tofan (painter) and Sorin George Purcaru (sculptor).
Katharine Siegling, founder of Aubach Embassy of Art, opened the exhibition with a passionate speech, expressing her appreciation for the cultural wealth of Romania. She emphasized the talents and the dignity of the Romanian people which are to be restored and promoted.
The Romanian Consulate General in Munich was represented by Mrs. Consul Ramona Chiriac, who pictured Aubach Embassy of Art as a new cultural reference center which reflects Katharine Sieglings love for people, for art, and for Romania.
Following her, curator Dr. Cristina Simion (“Tiny Griffon Gallery” in Nuremberg), introduced the invited guests to the artistic world of the painter Constantin Tofan and the sculptor Sorin Purcaru.
Both artists reside in Iași, Romania, a cultural and artistic melting pot with deep roots reaching into the 18th and 19th century. Iași is a vibrant and romantic place, a home to artists who appreciate their tradition and yet seek the modern and innovative. Both the painter and graphic artist Constantin Tofan and the sculptor Sorin Purcaru exemplify this mixture of tradition and modernity.
Exhibiting Artists
Professor, Doctor of Philosophy
Constantin Tofan

The language of the artist Constantin Tofan is intense, capturing, and evocative. The message he conveys clearly reveals his inner fusion with the sounds of nature, the landscapes vibrating with colour and shape.
His paintings are expressions of his being: radiant, stirred, but also contemplative.
While his preference for red, various gray shades, and black has remained throughout 40 years of creative periods, the shapes of his elements have more and more been elevated to a spiritual level.
These elements of his artistic credo make him distinctive and popular among art collectors.
University Lecturer, Doctor of Fine and Decorative Arts
Sorin George Purcaru

The sculptor Sorin George Purcaru stirs emotions with his “Plastic Inventions” and creates a world of imagination. His works inevitably move the viewer to deep contemplation.
The figures he creates are imagniary heroes (Centaurs) or fantastic machines (Dream Cutting Machine).
Sorin G. Purcaru loves the volumetric development of his figures. Some have been developed horizontally (The Burden), while others, as the machines, aspire to the vertical (The Flying Machine).
In the past few years, Sorin G. Purcaru has moved from steel to high-grade steel and bronze; in each of these materials he has found the plasticity that wood, his first love, had denied him.
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Katharine Siegling, founder of Aubach Embassy of Art, opened the exhibition with a passionate speech, expressing her appreciation for the cultural wealth of Romania. She emphasized the talents and the dignity of the Romanian people which are to be restored and promoted.
Katharine Siegling, founder of Aubach Embassy of Art, opened the exhibition with a passionate speech, expressing her appreciation for the cultural wealth of Romania. She emphasized the talents and the dignity of the Romanian people which are to be restored and promoted. -
A special honor was the presence of Mrs. Consul Ramona Chiriac, who represented the Romanian Consulate General in Munich.
Mrs. Consul Ramona Chiriac presented the art residence Aubach Embassy of Art as a new cultural reference center which reflects Katharine Sieglings love for people, for art, and for Romania.
Mrs. Consul Ramona Chiriac presented the art residence Aubach Embassy of Art as a new cultural reference center which reflects Katharine Sieglings love for people, for art, and for Romania. -
Together with Dr. Cristina Simion, gallerist and curator (Tiny Griffon Gallery in Nuremberg), the DREAMLAND exhibition was inaugurated. Dr. Simion introduced the invited guests to the artistic world of Prof. Dr. Constantin Tofan and Lect. Dr. Sorin George Purcaru.
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art - Vernissage DREAMLAND
Aubach Embassy of Art
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